How I Started Affiliate Marketing


After serving in the United States Air Force, I pursued an education in Information Technology. I earned my Bachelor’s, followed by my Master of Science in Information Technology Management, and immediately dove into a career in various technological fields. My experience varied from systems adminstration to supporting remote systems. However, my passion lies in helping people create a better life for themselves. I believe you shouldn’t be a slave to your job, a desk, a company, and that freedom comes from varying your income stream. Work smarter, not harder! I’ve always loved dabbling in website building, and self taught myself coding. However, I didn’t know anything about the world of affiliate marketing, nor the freedom it could bring me. After immersing myself into this world, it became clear that it wasn’t just perfect for someone like me who loves technology and growing my passive income, but it can benefit almost anyone who is willing to put in the work. And when I say work, I simply mean DIYing their own simple wesbite! I’ve down countless hours of research on affiliate marketing, and was fortunate enough to find Wealthy Affiliate – this was a game changer for me. I am a big believer in paying it forward – if I discovered something that changed my life and can help others find financial freedom, why wouldn’t I share the knowledge. The best part – it’s all free, it’s all legit, and many people stand behind affiliate marketing (regardless of experience in technology, marketing or really anything!) Ready to dive in?

What wealthy affiliate does for me:

Who can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate?

Simply put, Wealthy Affiliate is an online platform that teaches you how to profit from a website. It is for all skill levels, and there is training for everyone. They do a fantastic job of simplifying things, putting things in layman’s terms, and don’t over-complicate something that is realistically very easy! They guide you through every step – what’s better than that?!

Below, I share the path I took with Wealthy Affiliate. I will link where to get started and other things unique to what I did below as well. To go straight to all the benefits Wealthy Affiliate has, please look at their summary of benefits here

My Path

There were people in my life who I envied, not for their money, but for what I truly wanted; a work/life balance. I wanted freedom to enjoy my life outside my grueling career. After networking with these people, I discovered the not-so-secret ‘secret’ that passive income was the common factor that allowed them to have a work/life balance I craved. I didn’t have the time nor desire to learn about investing in stocks or real estate, or the years to build a business. That’s when I found affiliate marketing and it felt like the stars truly aligned.

I went on a true deep dive into affiliate marketing. I’m an all or nothing type of person, so after weeks of trying to piece together the puzzle of affiliate marketing, I almost gave up. It seemed there was so clear and concise path. I didn’t want complicated or time consuming! When I stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate, a lightbulb went off in my head. Finally something that guided me, taught me everything I needed to know, even provided me with other people that were doing the same thing. I got started the day I discovered it – best part is it was free, so I had nothing to lose.

I found this page and the rest is history. I was so eager to begin that within the first week of joining Wealthy Affiliate, I had my first website live.

I’ll preface this by saying that get-rich-quick schemes are exactly that – schemes. That isn’t what this is – you won’t make a wesbite and wake up the next day a millionaire. Everything worth having takes time, but as far as being simple, effective and quick – affiliate marketing IS those things. My first two websites were simple, but genuine and helpful. One was for CBD oil reviews, and the other was a site for my wife who is a home decor blogger. After having great success with them just after a month, I decided to upgrade my Wealthy Affiliate membership from free to premium. The benefits are endless, and it truly is something that pays for itself!

NOTE: If you want to try premium right out of the gate (no risk involved!) then you can use my code to get a discounted membership price here.

After my sites were up, and the passive income came rolling in, it was just a matter of maintaining the sites and keeping the information up to date. This allowed time in my schedule to start my own business outside of affiliate marketing. I took my learned knowledge of building websites from scratch, and started my own web design business which I co-run with my wife. I wouldn’t have been able to dedicate the time to this side business if I didn’t have passive income coming in day and night. Now, I just want to share my knowledge with YOU!

Don't just take my word from it, here are what others have to say about how Wealthy Affiliate changed their life:

Check it out yourself - for Free!

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